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2014-04-26 01:06

[摘 要] 我们以往传统的音乐课程观由于过分强调技能而忽视了情感、态度在音乐教学中的作用,使生动活泼、形式多样的教学活动挤身于狭窄单调的框框中。缺乏情感内涵、充满理性的课程设计,使大部分的学生感觉到学习的枯燥、单调,甚至恐惧、苦恼,产生反感从而丧失了学习的兴趣。但情意因素可以帮助我们解决音乐课堂中许多诸如此类的问题。
[关键词] 音乐教育   情感教育   策略

Abstract: Our former traditional music  course view because of over-emphasizing the technical ability but neglecting the emotion, attitude in music teaching of function, make vivid, the crowded body of diverse teaching activity of form is in the frame frame of the narrow monotone. Lack the emotion content and be filled with the course design of the reasonableness, make the student of the big part feel to study lifeless, monotonous, even fear and distress, the interest that produce the bad impression to thus lose the study. But the cordiality factor is in aid of we resolve music classroom in many such as this kind of problem.

Keywords:  Music  education  emotion educates  the strategy

    上一篇:高师音乐教育应加强对学生“师范性”的培养 下一篇:没有了