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2014-07-23 01:31

摘   要


Interesting is push for the people to detection and researches new problem of spirit power, is draw on a certain activity of participate of enthusiasm of people of motive; Interest for student and speech, same also is to help them aggressive, throw in actively in the study come of premise; In the foundation music education, should a mood study for dulcify comes with participate in music activity; Therefore, in the teaching process of music, the teacher wants full exertive its predominant function, making use of the advanced teaching experience of people of the pasts backlog and summaries, studying a new teaching result, letting in like and suit oneself study of music classroom, the student feels music to bring they dulcify experience and music study of fun, thus make student study to produce the strong interest to music; Thus since can help the student the better study music knowledge, raise the students comprehensive ability, still be advantageous to the basic mission of music teaching of teacher better complete. (科教论文网 lw.nseaC.Com编辑发布)
Key words: Interesting; Stir up; Develop; Teaching path


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