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2014-07-24 01:48

摘   要



The musical appreciation is an important institution of musical education, is a significant means for musical education to cultivate aesthetic appreciation. As the aim of aesthetic in musical education, the main purpose of teaching is to accelerate the students who obtain the experience of aesthetic and enhance the knowledge of aesthetic. Traditionally, musical appreciation teaching activities put emphasis on teaching historical knowledge and explaining the basic musical theory, but ignore the experience of aesthetic and the development of ability. As teacher, they should alter the traditional teaching mode, create a new way of teaching method, and apply general sense among various art forms to musical appreciation so as to improve the students’ artistic self-cultivation in all-round way. Don’t take the musical appreciation lesson as a pure musical lesson. That’s focused on literature、poem、dance…Musical appreciation lesson is a comprehensive artistic lesson that to appreciate music is in the dominant position and many other arts are in the supplementary position. So, the teacher should make use of the other disciplines in the teaching to widen students’ horizon. this essay mainly deal with the existence of general sense between art and music, allowing artistic elements (color, concise)to be used in musical appreciation so that  the visual and concrete properties of arts could help explain the abstract and vague music so as to make students  comprehend the musical works in a better, more interesting and more concise way. (科教论文网 lw.nseaC.Com编辑发布)
Key words: Music listening; art chemical element; a feeling

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