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2014-07-28 01:14

摘   要



     Emotional experience, play an important role in music education. Many experts and scholars have theoretically discussed the importance of music education emotional experience. This music classes for secondary school teachers how to formulate a good guidance. But the specific combination of secondary school teaching music appreciation and not on the content of many teaching methods. Title papers mainly with the practice of some schools of music appreciation, music appreciation specifically cite the teaching in secondary schools to enable students better access to some of the teaching tools and methods. And taught according to their stress, conditions, the implementation of the targeted teaching tools and methods. Papers also addressed at the secondary school teaching music appreciation to emotional experience as a breakthrough, emotional experience for students through more thorough and easier to understand music, music to aesthetic education purposes and to raise their musical accomplishments. (科教范文网http://fw.nseac.com)
Key words: Secondary schools; Music appreciation; Emotional experience;

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