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2014-07-29 01:08

摘   要



A remarkable representative and founder of impressionism, Debussy, whose works were accomplished not by music tones but by his special understanding about music and color, by his unique, on compared skills and tones, building together. Debussys piano creation work enough enable us to fully recognize this great composer. This author mainly talks about the composition style of<In Water Inverted Image > of Debussy. emphasizing his stone personality, analyzing the variability of his voice conception. We will exam the sound style and performance style of Debussy.  Finally we will discuss the difficulties when we perform his works and also give some suggestions.
Impression of fingers, music skills, treadle technology have presented new demands, but also for hearing feelings, ideas, consciousness, spiritual experience is a comprehensive update of entering a completely new concept. Recital impression, and a good grasp of the period Debiaoxi works will reach a new level. (科教论文网 lw.nSeAc.com编辑发布)
Key words: the impressionism; composition style; style and personality of tone;
variability of voice conception; the work performance

目   录

摘要 I
绪论 1
1、印象主义时期德彪西的音乐 1
2、《水中倒影》印象主义的艺术特征 2
1. 曲式结构 3
2. 调式调性 3
3. 声音概念上的变化 4
(1) 和声 4
(2) 复杂的层面 6
(3) 力度 7
(4) 触键 7
(5) 踏板 8
3、总体概括德彪西钢琴音乐的演奏风格及对后世音乐的影响 8
1. 演奏风格 8
2. 对后世音乐的影响 10
结论 11
参考文献 12
致谢 13


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