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2014-08-13 01:05

[摘要] 表现音乐作品离不开音色变化,音色变化是演奏者永恒追求的目标。怎样丰富扬琴音色的表现力,是1个极为广泛和复杂的课题。本文掌握扬琴发音的客观物理属性因素,着重从主观演奏者通过内心听觉及技术因素探讨扬琴的音色美,以及不同流派中的扬琴音色变化。

[关键词] 扬琴、演奏、处理、音色、听觉

[Abstract] The performance music work cannot leave the timbre change, the timbre change is the performer eternal pursue goal. How rich dulcimer timbre expressive force, is extremely widespread and the complex topic. This article grasps the dulcimer pronunciation the objective physical property factor, emphatically discusses the dulcimer from the subjective performer through the innermost feelings sense of hearing and the technical factor the timbre to be beautiful, as well as in different school dulcimer timbre change.

[Key word] Dulcimer, performance, processing, timbre, sense of hearing

    上一篇:浅谈中学音乐教育的革新问题 下一篇:没有了