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Hawkes 。。In both mansions new door一gods had been pastedup on all the doors, the inscribed boards at the sides and over thetops of gateways had been repainted, and fresh“good luck”slips-auspicious couplets written in the best calligrap场on stripsof scarlet paper-had been pasted up at the sides of all the en-trances.
杨宪益:By the twenty一ninth of the twelfth month all wasready. Both mansions were resplendent with new door一gods, cou-plets , tablets and New一Year charm.
杨宪益夫妇作为中国人,在翻译时用了door一gods, cou-plets , tablets and New一Year charm与原文对应,但是英文读者不一定知道这是些什么东西,更不用说这几个词所隐含的文化内涵。而Hawker作为一个英国人,考虑到了读者情况,用了repaint, fresh, good luck, auspicious和best等词语来烘托出万象皆新的喜庆气氛‘同时也让英文读者对中国过年要贴对联的风俗有了比较具体的了解。
Hawker :。。。 and Shi一yin sent little Ying一lian out, in thecharge of one of the servants called Calamity, to see the mummersand the coloured lanterns.
杨宪益:…Shiyin told his servant Huo Qi to take Yinglian to see the fireworks and ornamental lanterns.
元宵节赏灯、放烟火、吃元宵的风俗众所周知。但这里的社火并不等同与烟火,南宋范成大《上元记吴中节物徘谐体三十二韵》诗自注:“民间鼓乐谓之社火,不可悉记,大抵以滑稽取笑。”可见社火是指街头杂戏、歌舞、鼓乐、杂耍等民间娱乐活动。Hawker使用了归化法把其翻译成the nummers。因为mummer一词在英国等地指在圣诞等节日化妆或戴面具表演的人。