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2014-08-04 01:54
导读:索引: Hans-Georg Gadamer,1975,《Truth and Method》,2nd ed.,English translation by Garrett Barden and John Cumming,London: Sheed and Ward. Howard Gardner,1985,《 Mind’s New Scien


Hans-Georg Gadamer,1975,《Truth and Method》,2nd ed.,English translation by Garrett Barden and John Cumming,London: Sheed and Ward.

Howard Gardner,1985,《 Mind’s New Science: A History of the Cognitive Revolution》,Basic Books.

Habermas,1992,《Postmetaphysical Thinking: Philosophical Essays》 ,English Translation,MIT Press.

G.W.F. Hegel,1807,“preface”,《Phenomenology of Spirit》, English edition by,Continuum Publishing Company,1990.

Immanuel Kant,1800,《Logic》,translated by,Robert Hartman and Wolfgang Schwarz,Dover Publications,1988.

George Herbert Mead,1912,“the mechanism of social consciousness ”,The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Methods, vol. 9: 401-406;pp. 288-295,Louis Menand,ed.,《Pragmatism: A Reader 》,Random House,1997.

George Herbert Mead,1927,“a constrast of individualistic and social theories of the self”,paper collected in 《Mind, Self, and Society》,University of Chicago Press,1934.

George Herbert Mead,1934,《Mind, Self, and Society》,University of Chicago Press.

Douglass North,1990,《Institution, Institutional Change and Economic Performance》,Cambridge University Press.

Arthur Schopenhauer,1813,《On The Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason》,Open Court Publishing,1974.

Jean-Paul Sartre,1943,《Being and Nothingness: A Phenomenological Essay on Ontology》,English translation by,Hazel Barnes,Simon
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