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Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology27th Annual Conference, 2005,3390-3393.
[14] Stefan Klein, Marius Staring, and Josien P. W. Pluim. Evaluation ofoptimization methods for nonrigid medical image registration UsingMutual Information and B-Splines [J]. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ONIMAGE PROCESSING, 2007,16(12):2879-2890.
[15] 张汗灵, 杨帆. 基于互信息和混合优化算法的多模医学图像配准[J]. 湖南大学学报, 2006,33:117-120.
[16] 杨帆, 张汗灵. 蚁群算法和Powell 法结合的多分辨率三维图像配准[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2007,29:622-625.
[17] Mark P. Wachowiak, Terry M. Peters. High-performance medical imageregistration using new optimization techniques [J]. IEEETRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN BIOMEDICINE,2006,10(2):344-353.
[18] 裴继红,田剑豪,杨烜. 基于海明窗滤波及粒子群优化搜索的医学图像配准[J]. 生物医学工程学杂志, 2007,24(2):262-267.
[19] Jiangang Liu, Jie Tian, Yakang Dai. Multi-modal medical image registrationbased on adaptive combination of intensity and gradientfield mutual Information [C]. Proceedings of the 28th IEEE ,EMBSAnnual International Conference New York City, USA, 2006,1429-1432.
[20] Changchun Liu, Ke Li, Zhongguo Liu. Medical image registration bymaximization of combined mutual information and edge correlativedeviation [C]. Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Engineering inMedicine and Biology 27th Annual Conference, Shanghai, China,September 1-4, 2005,6379-6382.
[21] Stefan Martin,Tariq S. Durrani. A new divergence measure for medicalimage registration [J]. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING,2007,16(4):957-966.
[22] 罗述谦. 医学图像处理评估方法[J]. 世界医疗器械.
[23] van de Kraats E.B. , Penney G.P., Tomazevic, D., et al. Standardizedevaluation methodology for 2-D-3-D registration [J]. IEEE Trans onMedical Imaging, 2005,24:1177-1190.