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To boldly arouse the masses and expand the peo—ple’S forces SO that,under the leadership ofour Party,they will defeat the aggresSOrS and build a newChina.
此句中,汉语句中无连接词,译成英语时,需根据意义加上 that和 and,原文的意义才会明白译文也就流畅可读。又如:
(6)不由分说,他先走 出了屋0
Before We could say anything ,he led the wayout.
(7)她越看越 爱,不顿饭 时,已看 了好几齿句了。但觉词句警人,余香满口。一面看了,只管出神,心内还默默记诵。(《红楼梦》)
Themor(~she read,themore she liked it,andbeore very long she had read several acts.She felt thepower of the words and their lingering fragrance.Longafter she had finished reading,when she had laid downthe book and was sitting there rapt and silent ,thelines continued to ring on in her head.f“TheTaleofStone”David Hawkes)
中文原文 中很少用连接 词,句子短小精悍。David Hawkes把此句译成英语时,加上了and beforevery long,and,long after,when等连接词,不仅生动地表达了原文的精神和内容,而且使上下文联系密切,行文 自然。
As you sow,so will you reap.
W hen a man gets to the top,all his friends andrelatives get there with him .
Mountains,though not very high,are famouswhere immortals dwel1.