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李 白
床 前明 月 光,
疑 是地 上 霜。
举 头望 明 月,
低 头恩 故 乡。
Nostalgia Li Bai A splash of white on my bedroom floor.Hoarfrost.9 I raise my eyes to the moon,the same moon. As scenes long past come to mind,my eyes fall again orl the splash of white,and my heart aches fohome.
I alTl very happy and grateful to receive your message of greetings.
If things are not properly handled,our labor wilbe totally lost.
此句 中,译者 根 据 句 子 意 义 补 出 了 主 词“things”,~u_lz连接词“if”,一个完整的英文句子就形成了。这里需要注意的是汉语双名词句子结构的英译。例如:
Heis hungry.(不能译成:“His stomach is hungry”)
He has a flawed character.(不能译成:“Hicharacter is bad”.)
Although you may escort a guest a thousandmiles,yet must the parting come at last.
If you want to kill a snake you must first hit it onthe head,and if you wan t to catch a ban d of robbersyoumust first catch their leader.