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2014-09-28 01:09

A Comparative Study on Languages Used in Chinese and English Advertisement


Advertisement is named as a very complex marginal and a comprehensive branch of knowledge. As advertising, either Chinese advertisement or English advertisement has something in common. With a quite different language style, advertising languages of both English and Chinese share many similar features in terms of vocabulary, sentence structure and rhetoric. But different features and different social background and cultural foundation of the two languages lead to some discrepancies between them. These features will surely provide a meaningful reference to the study of the identity of Chinese and English advertising languages.
This thesis sets out to study the languages used in English and Chinese advertisements on the basis of the observation on static words in high frequency used in many commercial advertisements. Based on the theories of lexicology and advertising psychology, such a comparative study is conducted with a focus on three classes of words, namely, the noun, the verb and the adjective semantically. Moreover, means of word formation and figures of speech are discussed with examples.

Key Words: advertisement; comparative study; frequency of words;
           word-formation; figures of speech

摘  要


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