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论《遭风遇盗致奇赢 让本还财成巨富》中的

2014-10-08 01:18
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论《遭风遇盗致奇赢 让本还财成巨富》中的论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 摘

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杨百万、秦世良、秦世芳是清代李渔的作品《连城璧》中第6回《遭风遇盗致奇赢 让本还财成巨富》里的主要商人,他们身上都具有作为商人的1般特征,都希望通过经商来获得利益,实现自己的发财梦想。杨百万依靠漂洋过海赚来百万家资,他了解“财从险中求”的道理,敢于拼搏,敢于冒风险,因此他能把放债生意也做得如鱼得水。秦世良忠厚老实的性格和诚实守信的为人态度是他从1儒生成功转变为商人的内在条件;外部条件则有杨百万在资金上的鼎力支持。而秦世芳,在经商上勇于拼搏、敢于闯荡、重义轻利以及对市场的独特见解是他发财致富的重要条件。作为深受传统文化影响的中国古代商人,他们身上具有传统商人的共同特点,但是,他们在经商的过程中又并不完全按照传统模式去行事,甚至某些思想突破了传统文化观念。这些方面都值得我们去分析和研究。


Yang Baiwan, Qin Shiliang and Qin Shifang were the main merchantmen of the book "Valuable Jade" in the sixth chapter Businessmen in Insisting and Winning, A Story about to be a Reichmann which was wroten by Tsing Dynasty Author Li Yu. Each of them had the normal characters as a business man earning benifit by trade, and would to be a moneybags. Yang Baiwan earned his first million from oversea. He knew the truth that money comes from adventure, He struggled and took risks. Thus he even knew how to be a good render. Qing Shiliang was loyal and frank. His attitude was an important internal condition which make him rich and he also has an Exterior condition, funds from Yang Baiwan. Qin Shifang was not only studious but also righteous. Qua the antiquity merchantmen of China, they had the same trait but they didnt running their own business the same way, even broke through the tradition culture.. This was which we should analyze and research.


Key words: Merchantman; Adventure consciousness; Credit; Clearly in finace

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