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摘 要
Composition teaching, which possesses the human studies function, stands for the students’ Chinese accomplishment, innermost feelings and individual characters. Therefore, a teacher should pay much attention to not only the students’ noble sentiments, but also the concepts of value. The development of individual composition is the transmission from unit and pattern compositions to individual ones. At present, there are five problems in middle school composition teaching in China. Those are pattern subject, the unity of value orientation, skillful direction and unconcerned comment. This thesis firstly explains the value of individualizing composition, secondly analyzes the reasons why there are still abuse in middle school composition teaching. It is pointed out that individuality is the inevitable tendency of society development and composition teaching revolution. This thesis also explores the teaching practice of individualizing the composition teaching. (科教论文网 lw.nseaC.Com编辑发布)
Key words: Individuality; Individualize the Composition;
Individualize the Composition Teaching