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摘 要
The image of Xiren in HongLouMeng has always being disputed in previous dynasties’ studies of Red. In recent two centuries, edition Cheng is in popular all over the world while edition Zhi has been out of print, and the character Hua xiren in all readers’ mind is from Cheng benzhong’s edition. Therefore, in order to comment a person in fair and realistic, it should be distinguished clearly at first: since two kinds of different editions would creat two images of Xiren in difference, we should comment separately from Cheng and Zhi without confusion nor substitute. Secondly, Xiren should be commented impersonally and comprehensively from social background, the social status of Xiren and characteristics of Xiren herself. The realization of image Xiren’s embodiment in HongLouMeng through the net work of characters’ relationship, in which Baoyu, Qingwen, and Baochai are the three on much intimate terms with Xiren. This paper would like to make a concrete and comprehensive analysis on the image of Xiren from the relationship between Xiren and the three. (科教范文网http://fw.nseac.com)
Key words: HongLouMeng; image of Xiren