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2014-12-07 01:39
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论地域文化对沈从文小说的影响样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘

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Creative writers are often exposed to their national culture and their traditional life, and life experience. Shen Congwen is in our country modern history of literature a other individuality novel master, Take "Border town" as the center, Uniquely constructed to be beautiful mystically "the western Hunan world". The Shen Congwen novel root lies in the western Hunan region culture which that is characteristic, This kind unique, the region, national, the personalization cultural implication has become the Shen Congwen novel root of life.In the house "the western Hunan world", we can deeply feel in Hunan province geographical cultural impacts, through depicting the rich flavor in Hunan province geographical settings, a long history of social customs, to show the vitality and humanity of the the western Hunan world population lives in Hunan province state tenaciously, clearly demonstrated in Hunan province geographical characteristics of the traditional culture, will be created in Hunan province customs, the natural landscape and the integration of personnel fate dissolve in the beautiful settings. At the same time, writers of fiction writers also show a unique understanding of the culture and perception about, and trying to create a new cultural beliefs of a culture in Hunan province at the core of cultural values. (科教论文网 lw.NsEac.com编辑整理)
Key words: Shen Congwen; the western Hunan world; the traditional culture

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