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2015-01-04 01:06
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论新课改下语文教师的角色变位与素质更新样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘

摘   要




Our country elementary education curriculum reforms thoroughly is developing, the related new class changes the discussion which the teacher role dislodgement and the quality renews along with it day by day to be also warm. This article in synthesizes various fundamental research in the foundation, the relation middle school language teaching reality, has outlined the basic content which the teacher role dislodgement main form and the quality renews, and has discussed the diagnostic method initially using the Marxist philosophy basic principle which the teacher role dislodgement and the quality renews. This article believed that, under the new class sign idea teacher role dislodgement and the quality renewal are an eternal process, the role dislodgement and the quality renewal is in the identical developing process unification of opposites two aspects, the two is a condition mutually, complements one another. This article persisted the dialectical materialism developing sense, explained the new class changes the teacher role dislodgement theory of relativity and teacher role dislodgement absolute, and according to the dialectical denial principle, explained the teacher role dislodgement and the quality renew avoids "the total repudiation" the wrong necessity.


Key words: The new curriculum; the curriculum reform; the education idea;
the role dislodgement; the quality renewal

    上一篇:“副+名”组合与语义指向新品种 下一篇:在阅读教学中培养学生的自读能力