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2015-01-05 02:07
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,孤独的奋斗者—论司汤达《红与黑》中的于连论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 摘

摘   要







Red And Black it may be said is Si Tangda the most outstanding work, in the novel in the company for the fame and fortune, in order to push in the upper circles of society, down to must conceal the oneself original appearance to take to bring with the false mask to adapt the society, hypocritical, speaks insincerely, deeply hides the oneself real sentiment.But in my opinion, Julien all are the establishment above humans natural disposition. He worships Napoleon, slanders Napoleon actually in front of the human; does not believe in the god, ships out a reverent God appearance actually. He is not since birth such,  because his social class status has created his disposition multiplicity. In his disposition both has the revolt and to have the compromise, also has feels inferior also has the self-respect, as well as great ambition and ambition, false and honest complex union, but formed these complex contradictory main reasons is and Julien locates the social position under then social environment is cannot separate. In intelligent competent, sensitive is continually arrogant, has the intense power and influence and the wealth desire, both self-respect striving to improve realizes by the common people, is hostile toward the revolt to the upper classes of society, and falsely compromises, compromises for the general interest, pushes resourcefully toward the upper circles of society inside. These stimulated the struggle spirit which he resorts to all means upwardly to crawl. In this struggle process, all methods and the false behavior which he uses all is he the method which can not but adopt to the ideal pursue process in, his pursues individual happy human nature instinct desire appearing externally. To the life higher goal pursue, also to societys revolt. 

Key words: Stendhal; Julien; Strive; Lonely


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