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2015-01-16 02:17
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,安娜.卡列妮娜的悲剧及其意义怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 摘

摘   要



Anna Karenina is the most elegant character in the books written by Leo Tolstoy, the greatest Russian writer in the 19th century. She is a character of upper class lady who chased the freedom, looked for self-emotion and dared to fight against her life pressure. But those characters also made her life tragic. There were lots of reasons for her tragic life, and many scholars have spent lots of time on studying Anna’s life, some have achieved brilliant results. Anna’s nature and her social background have been their study points. Besides these, in my opinion, I think her tragic life is also based on her nature of humanizing and Russian culture. Meanwhile the difference between Anna and her husband’s nature, was also the reason for her tragic life. Her tragic life gained sympathy from the upper-class ladies in the world. That means the ladies, especially the upper-class women, concerned about their self-causation and self-life. It reflects the ruin of the noble family membership, the hypocritical moral and bloodless social relationship in the upper class. There are two parts in this essay. In the first part we discussed the elements, which make Anna’s life tragic, from the angles of human nature, social background, humanism and Russian culture. In the second part, we did analysis from the social meaning and the meaning of our real lives. 内容来自www.nseac.com
Key words: Personality contradiction; love tragedy; Social origin; Cultural origin;
   False; Brave


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