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2015-01-20 01:42
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,苏辛词表现手法的对比研究论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 摘

摘   要




The poetry of the Song Dynasty is a bright pearl of Chinese classic literature, but Su Shi and Xin Qi-ji are the remarkable representatives of supreme achievements of poetries of the Song Dynasty. Through the ages, the Ci poems of Su shi and XinQi-ji have been paid much attention to by scholar all the time. There are countless research works whose research contents are extremely extensive about the two poets. However, people paid little attention to the skills of expression used in their Ci poems. The focal point of the thesis is to analyze the expressive skills of the two great poets’ Ci poems, to carry on the comparative study of the two from macrocosmic and microcosmic aspects, and to find out sameness, difference, reasons and results. First of all, I would like to sum up the expressive skills of each poet’s Ci poems. And I also will analyze features and artistic effect producing in the Ci poems of the expressive skills by the means of using instances. Secondly, I will do comparative research about the two poets’ family origin, personalities and eras when they were living so as to obtain the reasons why they use different skills of expression and the inherent connection of the two. Finally, I will summarize the influence of artistic style was led to by the skills of expression.

Key words: Su Shi; Xin Qi-ji; Ci poems; Skills of expression; Comparative studies


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