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摘 要:迟子建从来不以很张扬的姿态蜚声文坛。在这片喧嚣热闹中,她是1个朴素的歌者,以1种超常的执着关注着人性温暖。她笔端流溢的温情眷顾着每1片草木花叶、每1处人生歌哭,对自然、对生命、对人性的悲悯,促人心生悟叹感伤。这出于作者1种崇高的人文关怀精神,并且已经站在了相当的高度。笔者认为,迟子建作品的人文关怀,主要从自然、生命、人性这3个维度上展开。在迟子建笔下,人与自然亲密和谐;自然神圣而庄严,它同时又是生命的原初表现。就生命而言,迟子建向我们展示了生命的况味,生命的从容与脆弱。关于人性,她向我们传达了她的“爱”的哲学和对人性善的向往,开掘了1个温情而感伤的文学视野,掘出了别样的风景和深度。
关键词:人文关怀 自然 生命 人性
Abstract: Chi Zijian builds and is not famous in the literary world with the attitude of publicizing very much . In this slice is noisy and lively, she is a simple singer, warm with a kind of persistent concern human nature of going beyond the normal condition. She style of writing or painting tender feeling overflowed to flow concerned about every grass and trees spend leaf, the song cry for every life, to naturally, to life, sad and pityful to human nature, urge heart is it is it sigh sadly to realize to grow. A kind of lofty humane care spirit that this has started from the author, and has already stood in the suitable height. I think , Chi Zijian builds the humane care of the works , mainly launch on linking degree from nature , life , these three human natures . Build people and intimate and harmonious naturally in the works in Chi Zijian; Naturally sacred solemn, it to behave for the first time originally life at the same time. As regards life, Chi Zijian builds the condition flavor of showing the life to us, the calm and fragility of the life. About the human nature, she builds philosophy " loved " and yearning to that human nature is kind for transmitting her to us. Dig a tender feeling in but the sad literature vision , has dug out the scenery and depth of the other style.
Key words: Humane care Naturally Life Human nature (转载自中国科教评价网http://www.nseac.com)