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2015-01-21 01:39
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论陀思妥耶夫斯基的宗教意识论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 摘

摘   要




     Dostoyevsky is a great writer who wins worldwide reputation. In his works, there are not only profound revelation of the dark, rotten social reality at that time, the fierce criticism towards federal monarchy, deep sympathy towards low-class people, but also analysis about the complete complication of human beings. He never stopped questioning the existence of God and his justice, however, he had to spread God’s wishes as an idealist and shoulder the foe of the whole human beings in the name of himself to rescue world’s justice. The figures and events created by Dostoyevsky and the philosophy involved in them are multi-space, beyond time and space. His works are as complicated as the world is complicated, the human is complicated. In his works, he put forward with many eternity questions made people excited up till now. Wanting to figure out the answers to these questions, the best key is Dostoyevsky’s religious consciousness. This thesis will explicate from the original of Dostoyevsky’s religious consciousness, the characteristics, the recycle of religious to the influence of religion on his literature creativity four aspects. Via these, I hope readers would     further understand “Russian Soul” in the process of his creativity.


Key words: Dostoyevsky; Russian Orthodox Eastern Church; Religious consciousness

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