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2015-01-27 01:08
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,李煜和李清照后期词的比较怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 摘

摘   要



    After Li Yu is the Southern Tang Dynasty advocates, "in word emperor"; Li Qingzhao is the Song Dynasty talented woman, "composed ancestor". Li Yu and Li Qingzhao took in the word history two everybody, experience has perished the historical drastic change which the country ruins a family, therefore it’s later period word in the theme choice, loves the body, the language utilization, the esthetic pursue aspect exists hastens the homogeneity, demonstrates two excellent poets inheritance relations. Certainly, two people are the different generation of opposite sex excellent poet after all, they locate the time, the status status, the bitter experience destiny are not all same, thus two Li later period the word in the esthetic point of view, the cultural connotation, as well as the artistic performance aspect manifests the obvious difference, demonstrated by its unique artistic individuality lasting does not fade artistic charm.
Key words: Li Yu; Li Qingzhao; Later period word; Similarities and differences

    上一篇:“80后”作家的创作现象分析 下一篇:《雷雨》戏剧冲突之我见