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在压迫中觉醒— 论《玫瑰门》中的女性命运

2015-01-24 01:19
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,在压迫中觉醒— 论《玫瑰门》中的女性命运怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 摘

摘  要:从时代背景或生存语境角度透视《玫瑰门》,挖掘作品中暗含的女性意识的觉醒和女性的自我审视。认为造成时代悲剧的原因是特定时空下女性所受的多重压迫,包括:封建传统和男权社会下的性别秩序;文革那个特定的时代;婚姻的不幸;女性在生理方面所受的压迫等,其出路是女性主体意识的觉醒和代际之间的进步。女性的解放是时代发展的必然,而女性解放的希望在于女性自身的觉醒和成长。

关键词:文学研究  《玫瑰门》  女性命运
时代背景  生存语境    代际进步

Abstract: Survive from era background linguistic context angle perspect rose door, excavate implicit women awakening and womans self- close examination of consciousness of the works. Is it cause era tragic reason whether specific space-time down the multiple oppression that woman receive to think, including: Sex order under the feudal traditional and man right society; That specific era of the Culture Revolution; Misfortune of the marriage ; Womans oppression received from physiology wait for, its opportunity is awakening and taking the place of the progress between border of womens subject consciousness. Womens liberation is the necessity of era development, and the hope which women liberate lies in womens own awakening and growth.

Key words: Literature research   Rose Door   Womens destiny  
Era background      Linguistic context that survive
Take the place of border progress

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