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2015-01-23 01:42
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,中学语文情感教育初探在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例: 摘

摘  要:情感教育是社会发展和教育的内在要求,中学语文教学和情感教育具有内在统1性。情感教育是中学语文教学的内在要求,情感教育的实施也必将推动中学语文教学的发展。从以上角度,本文对情感教学的必要性进行全面探讨,并从中学语文学科性质着手探讨中学语文教学与情感教育的内在关系,从教学内容和教学方法两个方面解决如何在中学语文教学中实施情感教育的问题。

关键词:中学语文教学  情感  情感教育  教学内容  教学方法


Abstract: Affective education is social development and inherent demand educated, Chinese teaching of middle school and affective education have inherent unity. Affective education is an inherent demand for Chinese teaching of middle school, the implementation of affective education will promote the development of Chinese teaching of middle school too. In terms of the above, this text carries on the overall discussion to the necessity of emotion teaching, and is set about probing into the inherent relation between Chinese teaching of middle school and affective education from the discipline nature of Chinese of the middle school, solve the problem that how from two respects of the content of courses and teaching method to implement affective education in the Chinese teaching of middle school.

Key words: Chinese teaching of middle school    Emotion   Affective education
     Content of courses    Teaching method

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