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2015-01-23 01:42
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论秘书人员协调关系的艺术论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 摘

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The coordinated relations are the secretary personnel work one of important functions, it passes through during secretarys all levels of supervisory work. The secretary personnel is fastidious coordinated relations art is works the essential method creative utilization to the secretary, is one kind excellent handles matters the skill. Current domestic mainly all only is discussed to this topic research from the general angle that, is short very much the coordination relates this question to rise to art highly studies, also is short to the coordinated relations individuality very much and art question conducts the research, but wants to complete the secretary to work, besides grasps the general method which the secretary works, but also should diligently unceasingly accumulate and the sublimation experience in the working practice, diligently enables it truly to achieve artistic the boundary. The secretary personnel coordinates the work which relates, relates in the entire organization carries on, is restrained to the institution, the unit goal, the leadership intention, the institution, the unit structure relations, the institution, the unit environmental factor. Only has in the certain authority foundation, own position, is clear about own status, is fastidious the certain coordinated art, some accurate role consciousness, the secretary personnel can effectively complete the institution, the unit coordinates relational the work. This article mainly discussed the secretary personnel coordinates relates the work the present situation, has discussed the importance and the coordinated relations which the secretary personnel coordinates relates works the difficult question in the secretary, was secretary personnel how art engaged in the coordinated relations work to propose own opinion in particular.


    Key words: Secretary personnel; Coordinated relations; Art

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