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2015-01-29 01:04
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论《怎么办》中的新人形象怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 摘

摘   要



 In the novel, new people refers to those intellectuals who start to step onto the history stage. This paper will analyze the characteristics of new people through a series of events. The paper can be devided into three parts.The first one analyze the common new people- Weilar.Weilar represents the new females who pursuit for freedom, equlity, love and fight for the emancipation of women. We hold that Weilar, a female who is progressing continually, has became a revolutionist for democracy from a ordinary learnt female. The second part analyzes  the self - reliance in  difficulty and the rational egoism of Luopuhuofu and Jiersanuofu. The third one will probe into the specific person-lahemeituofu.the paper argues the specificity of Lahemeituofu, nobly born but representing the common people, and the completely evolutionary that is different from the commom new people. We deem that Lahemeituofu is a man of integrity though he is obdurate in revolutionary spirit.     Key words: new people;freedom;equlity;emancipation of women;


democratism;rational egoim

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