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2015-02-05 01:10
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论温庭筠词中的女性形象怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 摘

摘   要



On the word development path, warm courtyard Jun is the first writer which concentrates effort describes the feminine image. Individual life reviews in succession, the social time background as well as the word characteristic, thorough carefully described the feminine image for warm courtyard Jun to provide the important source material. In the warm word unfolds disclosed in the riches and honor majestic living conditions the lazy bored mood, presents the song prostitute which blurred faint sighed sighs; After the husband, the sweetheart take a long journey, looks the completely horizon broken heart to think the woman as well as has mind filled with the palace maid in splendor riches and honor the living conditions which hidden bitterness darkly hates and so on the different type feminine image. Through describes the female to live in the lonesome and quiet external environment and the feminine manner, the decoration external performance contrasts the female lonely, the depressed innermost feelings world; Unfolds the female with the dark ink serious wound technique to leave in the scene in the wound the sorrow of parting separation sorrow; Describes their gorgeous semblance with the magnificent literary flourishes to be beautiful as well as to love hope and the rigid pursue innermost feelings pure static beauty, causes feminine semblance America and the innermost feelings beautifully achieved unifies highly. In the warm word the full feminine image reflected the society commodity economy prosperity, at the same time also had reflected at that time social reality which the general females lives unfortunately under the feudal ethics and rites. (科教作文网http://zw.ΝsΕAc.Com编辑整理)
Key words: Warm courtyard Jun; Word; Feminine image


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