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2015-02-05 01:10
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,从女性主义批评视角看莎士比亚悲剧中的妇女形论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 摘

摘   要



Shakespeares work structure is a typical masculine central society. The big male principle performance may be discovered in the innumerable dramatic works about the concerned womans opinions. Shakespeares masculine status causes him inevitably to misunderstand and twist the feminine character, the manner was consistent with the male society to the woman at that time. Molds in Shakespeares tragedy to the female figure has lost reality, either is the frailty, either is the lasciviousness, either is the male gender woman image. The feminine status continuously is in the unstable edge, in the Shakespeare’s plays, the female is not a completely independent person, not only in politics, in economy, but also gives the female in the spirit by the heartless critique. Women who appear more in the text account for the annotation man. The woman is mans accessory which implicates women gives birth for men and the majority of people are willing to attach to the man. At the same time feminine words setting legitimate has not belonged to its own words system. Shakespeare either lifts the female for the angel, or reduces it to the devil. The plays don’t describes the female completely and correctly, some are the masculine’ wish mold. (科教论文网 lw.nseaC.Com编辑发布)
Key words: Feminine principle criticism; Tragedy; Woman; Man; The system of male authority


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