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2015-02-11 01:06

摘   要




This article explains the relation between human speech and life while going on this premise "education is life", discuss the necessity that made the teaching of Chinese living, and inquired into the practice strategy that made the teaching of Chinese living. The standpoint of the article approval is "education is life" and think Chinese is a phonetic and actual existence, is the essential condition and important tools that the mankind create the oneself culture, mankind life is an infinite process that the mankind create the oneself culture to use Chinese. New Chinese lesson standard promotes that made the teaching of Chinese living, this is the further understanding to the teaching of Chinese living property and thoroughly thinking to traditional teaching of Chinese. At practice strategy, the article puts forward some viewpoints from conneting the classroom teaching of the school for that make the teaching of Chinese living, mainly content of the teaching and the teaching forms.
Key words: Chinese; life; make the teaching of Chinese living; necessity; (科教论文网 lw.NsEac.com编辑整理)
practice strategy

    上一篇:论长篇小说《傲慢与偏见》中的伊丽莎白 下一篇:司汤达与《红与黑》—浅析于连的典型性格极其