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2015-02-08 01:07

摘   要

路遥作为1位“土著”作家,对土地寄予了深厚的感情,作者坚定现实主义的创作手法,关注社会,关注人生,更加关注农民的命运,通过对人物命运的描写来反映人生的苦难及人生的意义。本文试图分析路遥作品中浓郁的“苦难情结”,并通过与余华小说苦难意识的比较来揭示路遥小说中 “苦难意识”深刻内涵和局限性。



As an "aboriginal"writer,Lu Yao has expressed his profound love for the earth。By adhering to realistic writing technique,he shows great concern for the society,life,as well as the fortune of peasants。His works reveal the hardship and the meaning of the life ,the essay is try to analyse the profound for the sense of hardship for Lu Yao’s works ,moreover compare with the sense of hardship of Lu Yao’swork to reveal the deeply meaning and limitation of the sense of the hardship.
Key words: Lu Yao; The sense of hardship; the feeling of hardship; cause; limitation


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