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2015-02-07 03:05

摘   要




Wines had made an indissoluble bond with culture since they were invented,and especially,the relationship between wines and poems was always resounded by the later generations.Seeing the literature history of china,Libai was the first man who could combine wines and poems pretty well. In his words which were connected with wines and poems, he raised his life passions up frankly and directly,without attending to his joys and pains,pursues and dispointments,angries and gloomies,and opened all his hearts and thoughts outward.His lofty of character and self-confidence in his drinking and writing were always admired by the later generations.Libai was not only considered as the“wine immortal”,but also as the“poem immortal”.So there is a very perfect combination between wines and poems in libais life. we can see Libais special poem style which was ardor,bold,mellow, heroically tragic, confusing crazy and graceful through wines.
Key words: Li Bai; Poem; Liquor; Drunk; Life; Poetry style




    上一篇:人性困境的永久象征—贾宝玉和孙悟空反叛行为 下一篇:没有了