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2015-02-06 01:26
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,浅析《诗经》弃妇诗的弃妇悲剧在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例: 摘

摘   要



 The phenomenon that the women were desert  has happened  long time ago and write this into the literary works is The Book of Songs initially. The poem about the desert woman  is an importance constitute the part of The Book of Songs. It described the abandoned and unfortunate destiny of women in the poem, told us their heart painful and helpless, displayed toward us a leaves the women thing image.
Regard deserted wife as the basic point, we think it is a tragedy that women are abandoned. The Book of Songs is a source of ancient literature of our country, its deserted wifes poem opens this mothers question of " deserted wife " in the history of our countrys ancient literature, influence literature in later age far-reachingly. Deserted wife poem show the era life reality of people to us with their unique visual angle, regard this as and the entrance, we can know economic system, Confucian or feudal ethical codes and legal system degree , custom culture, more than 2,000 years ago in our country ,etc. Deserted wife poem is very valuable for us to understand our country economic system, Confucian or feudal ethical codes and legal system degree, custom culture ,etc, more than 2,000 years ago .

(科教范文网 fw.nseac.com编辑发布)

The thesis divides four parts: Part one mainly Explain  4 kinds of deserted wife tragedies which are described in deserted wife poem of The Book of Songs. Part two  Explain  the reason why deserted wife tragedy happen ,namely: woman have independent economic status , this is the basic reason that tragedy happen. Part three Explain deserted wifes tragic impact on literature in later age. Part four Explain deserted wifes tragic modern meaning.     Key words: The Book of Songs; The poem about the desert woman;
tragedy of deserted women


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