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2015-02-13 01:00

摘   要



The mythology of the goddess mending the sky is one of the most famous mythologies in the mythical legend of our country , a great impact on future generations. It not only created the continuation of the presence of "shock wearing" folk, but also become a source of building blocks for future generations literary creations. Future generations of poetry, endowed, tune, essay, and novels has been written about the goddness mending the sky. The myth of mending the sky in"a Dream of Red Mansions", is the myth of the goddness mending the sky succession and development. The similarity of the two mythologies is precedenting the perpective of female worship. Meamwhile, the difference is also exiting in the two mythologies. This text mainly compare the two mythologies in three respects:the myth of circumstances from the design, the aesthetic principles and individuals motivate of creativiation.
Key words: mending the sky;pass on; difference; female worship


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