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2015-02-19 01:03

摘   要



In all the life of Li Qingzhao, she was covered with gloomy mood. The article world which she devoted all her life to, was also covered with gloomy mood. The gloomy mood in Li Ci expressed her complex emotion. Her gloomy mood was composed of parting with her husband, piting with her country and home . The mood was very sadness and moving, and it could arouse people’s sympathy. Her gloomy mood was combined with date feature and personal encountering, so it had different content and feature in different stages, which formed stage-style of Yi’an Ci. The expression of Li Qingzhao gloomy mood was classified with four kinds, which containted gloomy mood set off by scence, gloomy mood sprinkled by wine, entrusted by dream and by singing objects. Li Qingzhao used different kinds of article expresses,which formed her uniquel art-style and art-feature of Li Ci. Thoughout the art-express, the complex gloomy mood completely displayde out, and it make Li Ci have charming article fascination. (转载自http://zw.nseac.coM科教作文网)
Key words: Li qingzhao; Ci; Gloomy mood; Art of expressing gloomy mood

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