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益阳方言给予动词“把”、“跟”、 “把得

2015-03-22 01:03
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,益阳方言给予动词“把”、“跟”、 “把得在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例: 摘

摘   要



In terms of the synchronic comparision with standard Chinese, this paper describes the meanings and the usage of the “ba”、“gen”、“bade”in Yiyang dialect, and the syntax character、the origin of the sentence-type、the factual using frequency of the giving-sentence. The analysis elicits that S1 is the best preferential giving-sentence-type who origins from the history Chinese playing a same role with the Mandarin. We think that S1 is contained in S2 and origins from S4. We also think that S5 is the result of the pervading of the Mandarin syntax or the heritage of the history Chinese.
Key words: Yiyang dialect;the giving-verbs “把(ba)”、“跟(gen)”、“把得(bade)”;The giving-sentence-type;the syntax character

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