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2015-04-10 01:12
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,回旋性与三部性的巧妙结合论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考:  摘   要 本文着重对维尼


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     The founders went on to the "D-flat Boluonaici Dance" conduct a comprehensive analysis of the structure of the musical form, a brief introduction to the authors biographical, representative works related to the entry and creative style, focusing on the works of the musical form structural specificity, and Rondo with the trilogy style works in the context of the entire periphery. More importantly from the non-standardized structure of the musical form part of the works may have found a new relationship and a new structuAre principles.
Key words: Henryk Wieniawski;Boluonaici Dance; the trilogy style; Rondo Type



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