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2015-04-15 01:10
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,威廉.荷加斯《美的分析》研究论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料:  摘   要    


摘   要



    W.Hogarth (1697-1764), the English renowned painter, the genre painting founder and the outstanding artistic theoretician, has made the enormous contribution to the esthetics theory development. The Analysis of Beauty is an important esthetics work of Hogarth, meanwhile is the first work which takes the form as the foundation in the European esthetic history. This thesis analyzes The Analysis of Beauty from the following four aspects. first, clarifying Hogarths "six great principles", namely, suitability, diversity, unity, purity, complexity, size. Suitability is the most important form beauty principle, which refers to the conformity of the part of the object and the intention to the total; the form beauty of the object and the goal. second, explainig the famous proposition that the snake line embodies the  biggest charm. In Hogarth’s view, the undulation line, and the snake line are both called  beautiful lines, aspecially the snake line, it is beautiful, full of charm and attraction, third, revealing the characteristics of The Analysis of Beauty: one is from the nature, the other is the observation with the eyes, with the analytic method in form. Finally, criticizing the shortcomings of The Analysis of Beauty, which include two, one is not strict indication, the other is shortcoming of form beauty analytic method.


    Key words: beauty analysis; principle; serpentines; characteristics


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