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2015-04-21 01:22
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,李贺诗歌对李商隐诗风的影响论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考:  摘   要 李贺诗作在唐诗


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Li celebrates the poetic composition to be set up a new banner in the Tang poem, quite the posterity commends, also affects very in a big way to the posterity. Late Tang renowned poet Li Shangyin is. This article is celebrated on Li Shangyin the poetry artistic feature influence to be big several performs to analyze and the exploration. Celebrates the poetry on Li to the Li Shangyin poetry influence mainly in the following several major characteristics: One, special imagination, strange idea; Two, deep and quiet is treacherous, mysterious superior ideal condition; Three, color rice shoot Li, wonderful and precipitous language art. Four, excels using the literary reference to increase the poetry the artistic color. Regardless of is in the idea art, the narrative artistic aspect, in the image, the ideal condition, the language, with the standard aspect, the Li Shangyin poetry all deeply deeply has gotten the Li He brand mark.
Key words: Li He; Li Shangyin; Poery; Style; Influence.


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