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2015-04-23 01:00
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,从女性形象刻画看《水浒传》论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考:  摘   要 《水浒传》是


摘   要



Water Margin,that a work dedicated to masculine has always been highly appreciated.Yet,it is beyond any doubt that the book presents a biased and even unjust feature of the feminine .There are few women personages in water margin which can be divided into two kinds briefly: Namely "lady of easy virtue" and "heroine".Novel go on two extremes overly that  women’figure was denied impersonal role maid image mould either "bad" or reach "manlike " so that they cant cross to two description of woman these because the writer was intended or involuntary to describe them these.Consequently  the women’ figure  maked untrue exceedingly as to the lady of easy virtue write it to the limit excessively ruthlessly poisonously ; as for heroine write its walk chivalrous and loyal to the limit that the woman wasn’t defeated by men.The female extreme image was pointed out that the intention of author come from the influence of the super male consciousness to a certain extent and it is inevitability because of masculine being in charge of linguistical power ,in fact, the appearance of women was just only minor role in order that the hero world need to regard man as the centre too.In a word womens destiny in Water Margin is a miserable foregone! (转载自http://zw.nseac.coM科教作文网)
Key words: Water Margin; female figure ;the super male consciousness;
 the male linguistical power; the centre power of masculine



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