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2015-04-30 02:52
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,爱情与权力的抗争论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考:  摘   要 在权力与爱情的


摘   要




In the strong contradiction conflicts of the power and love, influence and enticement of money of religion make him pursue power, instinct of people want , ask , make him yearn for the love, Ralph priest gave up love in order to pursue the honor , finally cause human body and soul to endure his fill of torment , in painful agony. He in the face of suppressing religion, in full of tragic pursuit, still insist the rose in the heart, let people experience the glamour of the love , thus make the intension of the love with beautiful tragedy for the religion. Reveal and criticize the darkness of religion at the same time , ignorance with the human nature, especially slaughter to human nature .
Key words: Love; ambition; Conflict; Origin; Meaning



    上一篇:论《白鹿原》中的奇异性事象 下一篇:论新时期秘书人员的素质培养