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2015-04-30 02:52
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论新时期秘书人员的素质培养在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例:  摘   要   


摘   要



Acording to the unceasingly deepening of the new time secretary works, the employer requesting the quality of the secretary personnel become higher and higher, the secretary personnel must have good qualities, can meet social needs. The quality of the secretary not only closes the success or failure which the secretary works, also directly relates to the developing of the secretarys occupation in the future.Therefore, If we promote and guarantee the leaderships work optimization unceasly, we must have a troop that can keep pace with the times, comply with the new forms, accept the new challenges in aspects of theory qualities, thought qualities,service qualities,attitude qualitiesand so on. This text has a foothold probing into the requirement of the new time secretary personnels quality, the differences of the new time secretary personnelsquality, the constructions of the new time secretary personnels quality, furthermore,put forward my own thinking on basic route to train.
    Key words: secretary personnels; qualities; cultivation


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