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2015-05-22 01:10
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,新化方言的给予动词“把”、怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考:  摘   要 普通话中的单纯


摘   要

普通话中的单纯给予义动词以“给”最为常见,句子给予义的表达有4中基本句式。新化方言中与普通话单纯给予义动词“给”相当的有“把”、“拿”和“拿到”3词,它们有7种给予义的表达方式,可以进入S1—S77种具体句式,且在各句式中都有不同的特征以及用法和条件,其中S4“N1 把4 N3 V0 N2”兼有S4“N1 把4 N3 V0 N2”和S1“(N1)把/拿 N2 N3”两种句式,前者是兼有处置义的给予句式;句式S5“N1 把/拿 N3 N2”如果在N2前加上引进动作受物者的介词“把1”、“拿1”、“拿到1”和“到1”,句式将转化为S3“N1 把0/拿0 N3 把1/拿1/拿到1/到1 N2”即S3是在S5“N1 把/拿 N3 N2”的N2前加上介词“把1/拿1/拿到1/到1”后所形成的扩展形式,所以我们可以认为“S3与S5的逻辑关系为S5真包含于S3”; S2“(N1)拿拿1N2(N3)”这种给予句式是新化方言的特有用法,此处的“拿拿”相当与普通话中省略的“给给”形式;S6“N3(N1)V0 N2”是把N3提前到句首作话题主语,重在强调本句所述的与者N1给予受者N2的行为是针对主语N3的1种句式。在实际使用中各句式的使用频率也各不相同,句式S1、S3和S5,按实际使用频率的从高到低排列可以标示为:S3>S1>S5;句式S4 、S2和S6是3种特殊的语用表达式,它们的实际使用频率根据具体语用表达的需要来确定。
关键词:给予动词;“把”;“拿”;“拿到” ;给予句式;句法特征;使用频率



 The simplicity in the common speech give the righteousness verb with" give" the most familiar, the sentence give the expression of the righteousness have four medium type. Give with the common speech simplicity in xinhua dialect the righteousness verb" 给(gei)" have very"把(ba)"," 拿(na)" the different from" 拿到(nadao)" three phrases, them have seven kinds of  give righteousness of expression methods, can enter seven kinds of types of S1- S6, and all have in each type characteristic and method of usings and conditions, among them the S4" N1 把4 N3 V0 N2" and have the S4" N1 把4 N3 V0 N2" and S1"(N1)把/拿 N2 N3" two kinds of types , the former is and handle the righteousness to give a type; If a type  S5" N1 把/拿 N3 N2" plused to usher in before N2 the action was subjected to the thing of preposition"把1"," 拿1" ," 拿到1"and " 到1", a type will convert into the S3" N1 把0/拿0 N3 把1/拿1/拿到1 /到1N2" namely the S3 is after S5 the N2 of" N1 把/拿 N3 N2" plused the preposition"把1/拿1/拿到1/到1" before become of expanded the form, so we can think" the S3 and S5 logic relations really is include in the S3 for the S5";The S2"(N1)拿拿1N2(N3)" this kind of give a type is xinhua dialect especially useful method,"拿拿" that is here is equal with"给给" form abridge in the common speech;The S6" N3(N1)V0 N2" is to advance the N3 to a head to make the main language of topic, heavy at emphasize that this sentence say of is a kind of type that aims at the main language N3 with the behavior that a N1 gives to be subjected to a N2. The every sentence type frequency of utilization have nothing in common with each other too in using actually, sentence S1 , S3 , S5, one that is according to actual frequency of utilization from high to being low to arrange , can it labels to be: S3> S1> S5; Sentence S4, S2 and S6 whether three special language spend expression formula, actual frequency of utilization of them come , confirm according to the need that the concrete language is used and expressed.     Key words: Give verb;"把(ba)";拿(na)";拿到(nadao)"; Give a type;


Sentence construction characteristic; Use the frequency



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