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2015-05-22 01:10
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,信息技术与语文课程整合的再论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料:  摘   要 本文以新课


摘   要




This thesis takes new course standard as the basis, combining the information technique’s development and the language course’s, integrating the foundation of the reason of appear the mistake area currently at the analytical distance up, passes to announce to public the substance content of" integration" the concept, clarifies the target of course integration, talks about the concrete target and establishments of the integration between the information technique and the language course, and elaborates the concrete measures to excellent the integration between the information technique and the language course. This thesis thinks that the information technique and the course integration, substantially not consideres the information technique as the integral tool, but melts the information technique with concrete course mutually with each other, constitutes the new course system of the information technique with concrete course mutually unify, and develops students frontier spirit and practice ability. This thesis emphasizes that the integration is a concrete and complicated coordinate project, has no an union integration point, only combins each other, melts the point of taking the language course and applying the information technique as the foundation, can make the strength of the exertive integration with maximum limit. (科教作文网http://zw.nseAc.com)
Key words: The information technique; language course; the integration; investigate again




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