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2015-05-30 01:42
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,试论正确处理秘书与领导者之在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例:  摘   要 秘书与领导之间


摘   要




The relation between secretary and leader likes that of master and assistant, that of comrades, that of the teacher and friend. To handle the relation with the leader correctly, first the secretary should comply with four principles: Respect the leader, and safeguard the leaders authority; Obey the leaders order, but not follow he/she blindly; Be brave enough to tell your own opinions; Be accustomed to the leader, and try to make the leader display his/her strong points. second the secretary should also pay attention to four major forbids : Never participate in government and political affairs ,unconsciousness of his/her " supporting role "; Mustnt get involved in the leaders domestic matters; Dont try to figure out the leaders attention ; Mustnt get involved in the leaders battle for power .
Key words: Secretary and leader; Relation; The art of handling relationship;
Four principles; Four major forbids



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