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2015-07-09 01:11
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论《镜花缘》的讽刺艺术怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考:  摘   要 清代中期(乾隆


摘   要



The Qing Dynasty intermediate stage (does the prosperous - Daoguang time), was already enters the later period the China feudal society by to return to consciousness just before dying to the collapse declining transition time. In this night of gas like plate, in the new old society ideological trend intense struggle turbulent time, the Chinese classical novel had achieved the highly mature stage, has formed in the novel history last the creation high tide. Li Ruzhen "Mirror Colored Reason", is inside this final high tide appears last the lengthy outstanding construction. Li Ruzhen with his myth legend big pen, controls boat o af the its excellent satire, relies on the unusual imagination, the bold exaggeration, said iss if only the myth story, actually has the reality actually the shadow, is the real life cartoon. And has joined the blazing ideal in this cartoon, thus structure grotesque and gaudy, multi-colored unreal world. Boat of in this satire, ideal character Tang and his daughter which the Li Ruzhen incarnation its cherishes is haughty, from time to time practicalizes, exaggerates from time to time, writes freely it not to fill; From time to time in the distortion, the weird center hidden deep righteousness, in the symbol was disclosing the state of mind, in the contrast is displaying the progress thought, has helped in the ideal world in an illusion dream the dream. This article tries from the satire art angle to obtain, to in the work satire object, the satire skill and the satire goal discusses, the research. (转载自中国科教评价网http://www.nseac.com
Key words: The Mirror Colored Reason; Satire object; Satire skill; Satire goal


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