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2015-07-12 01:15
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论韦庄词的抒情特色怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考:  摘   要 韦庄是花间词人


摘   要



Wei Zhuang is between the flower exceuent poets representative writer, Wei Zhuang through he unique expresses feelings the characteristic, is called between the flower in the excellent poet"describing secret loves". Wei Zhuang dares in his Ci to express own true feelings, causes the writer Ci to be separated from the narrowness which do for should the song, has made the contribution. Wei Zhuang expresses the oneself emotion the method is many and varied. He is good at acting according to each kind of different emotion and the Ci this kind of new poem form characteristic chooses differently expresses feelings the technique. The common most main type of his Ci has three kinds: One is straight expresses its sentiment forms a coherent whole, expresses its means straightly. Two is the language is short but the emotion is cong, the outCi is shallow but the inward is depth, the refined language reveals the means intricately. Three is the Ci uses to diver the attention and the actual situation union. Wei Zhuang life drifts, therefore we can profound feeling he express in his Ci the sentiment is various, mainly for expresses drifts the feeling, is homesick the sentiment, millet Lebanon thinks as well as feeling of the individual life experience. Many kinds of expresses feelings technique during the utilization, Wei Zhuang also is good at in the Ci creation using the outline drawing technique expressing own true feelings true feelings. (科教范文网http://fw.ΝsΕΑc.com编辑)
Key words: Wei Zhuang; Ci; the characteristic of expressing feelings; emotion


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