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2015-07-22 02:30
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,秦可卿人物形象分析样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本:  摘   要 秦可卿,名兼美


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Qin keqing, the name and concurrently beautiful, has at the same time beauty Xue Baochai and the Lin Daiyu. The eldest granddaughter-in-law get everybody of favorable comment among firmly Jia, she masters worldly wisdom, and the crisis to the family is known and considered deeply far, have different ordinary persons suffering consciousness, intelligently competently has like Xue Baochai. Meanwhile her rebel is full of affection in the sentiment also may compare Lin Daiyu, she because is bumped into with the Zhen Jia illicit intercourse by the maidservant, deeply felt the grief and indignation hangs oneself but dies. Her suicide is one kind of silent appeal, is the sentiment with the deconstruction which wants. On the structure of the works, she is the story revolves a guide which the Jia Baoyu emotion life and the Wang Xifeng right struggle launches.
Key words: Qin Keqing; the eldest granddaughter-in-law; intelligent is competent; accumulates the anxious depth; the rebel


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