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2015-08-13 01:00
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,试论贾宝玉的叛逆性格及其形样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本:  摘   要    


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A Dream of the Red Chamber One intension generous work, it pass to " Jia , history , king , Xue " four everybody clan description that honour declined, have told a love does not have tragic story that freedom , marriage cant be independent, Jia Baoyu with Lin Daiyu , Xue treasure hairpin fall in love , marriage tragedy. " A Dream of the Red Chamber " enormous achievement of art, display in it moulding appear over one hundred vivid and substantial individualized personage image outstanding. Giving it to somebody with the typical characters on deep impression in these, Jia Baoyu is the image of main personage among them, it is a center of the pandect too, the stories of the whole of " Dream of the Red Chamber ", all launch around him. As the descendants of direct line of descent of office of honour country, it is out of the ordinary that he comes from, clever fairy show , Jia family place inheritor of expectations, but his thought personality impels him to betray his family finally . Now, we try , discuss Jia Baoyu typical personality characteristic of image this and form the reason of personality. (科教作文网http://zw.nseAc.com)
Key words: Jia Baoyu; Feudal ethics and rites; Rebel disposition; Equality; Free


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