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2015-08-23 01:06
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论《诗经》的情爱观样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本:  摘   要 《诗经》的情诗


摘   要



The love poem of Book of Poetry is always one of the hot topics in poetry study, this thesis discusses the view of love in Book of Poetry from the angle of affection. It obtains the ideal affection pattern, the beauty of human body in Book of Poetry age, the way of affection expressing, the ugly affection and so on. By means of all development aspects in the male and female love relations, from discussing and inferring about all affection aspects in Book of Poetry, we can say Book of Poetry age is the time which the love awakens, the beauty of affection is pure and simple, suave and moving at the beginning of civilization culturing, and which is full of the vitality and the vigor in the love newborn time. This love relation is a beneficial model for today love relations of increasely complex.
Key words: Book of Poetry; affection; the beauty of human body; sentiment; desire


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